Thanksgiving weekend we started out by going to Christmas Lane, a fun area of town where all the houses put up Christmas lights and have "The Night Before Christmas" story set up to read as you walk through. Then we finished off the night with Santa Clause!
The next day we got a Christmas tree!! We had lots of family and nieces and nephews and we took them to play in the snow. The ideal place to play in the snow was not a good spot to find a tree, but after searching and searching we finally found a pretty one.
Alex named our tree Frosty the Christmas Tree and was super excited to decorate it.
Mckenna had a long day and this is how she participated most of the night while the rest of us decorated.
Andrew finally got the sleepyhead to participate. It is so fun to see the house transformed by the Christmas magic. Alex faithfully keeps up with the advent calendar and the kids are constantly touching the tree and the decorations.